Rose Bouquet Natural Lotion Spray


4 in stock




Scent description: a delightful bouquet of fresh fragrant roses. At the heart of this sweetest fragrance are the sumptuous roses, with nuances of carnation and base note of soft lingering musk.

Made with water, aloe vera juice, witch hazel, glycerin, honeyquat, cucumber extract, green tea extract, BTMS 50, zinc oxide, fragrance, preservative, DL panthenol (provitamin B).

Some benefits of the ingredients:
~Aloe Vera: Hydrating aloe vera juice may help reduce the frequency and appearance of acne. It may also help reduce skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. Aloe vera is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins that may help protect your skin.
~Witch Hazel: relieves inflammation, reduces skin irritation, helps treat hemorrhoids, fights acne, protects against skin damage.
~Glycerin: Due to it’s gentle, moisturizing qualities, glycerin is a preferred soap ingredient for individuals with sensitive skin. Glycerin’s most impressive feature is its moisturizing capabilities. As a humectant, glycerin can be found in many moisturizing products like face creams and hand and foot lotions — just to name a few. As glycerin draws moisture to the skin’s surface, it fills in wrinkles for a smooth, soft feel and appearance.
~DL Panthenol: Also known as Vitamin B-5. The National Center for Biotechnology Information lists panthenol as a skin protectant with anti-inflammatory properties. It can help improve skin’s hydration, elasticity, and smooth appearance. It also soothes: red skin, inflammation, little cuts or sores like bug bites or shaving irritation. Panthenol helps with wound healing, as well as other skin irritations like eczema.
(Sources from,,, and,

This is a very light moisturizer intended for your hands.

Disclaimer: Totus Tuus Skincare is not responsible for the unlikely event of an adverse reaction occurring when using such products. For external use only. Test on a small area of skin. Stop use if irritation occurs. This product has not been FDA approved or medically tested nor is it intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Carefully read all ingredients listed, especially if you have sensitive skin. Please consult a health professional if you are concerned with any of the ingredients used.

Each bottle is about 2oz.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz


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